Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
BSI began developing a new British standard for ‘Personal fall protection equipment – Anchor systems' back in March 2015.
The standard will provide requirements and test methods for type testing anchor systems that are installed and tested in the base materials specified by the manufacturer for restraint systems, fall arrest systems, rope access systems, work positioning systems, rescue systems and evacuation systems.
During the last drafting panel meeting some concerns were raised by BSIF representatives relating to the short time period allowed for comments on the 2nd draft of BS 8610. BSIF and BSI then entered into some dialogue about the issues which had been raised by experts on this subject, and BSI explained that the drafting group were still working on comments received earlier in the process.
As a result of this collaboration, BSI agreed to continue accepting comments from the BSIF Height Safety Group with a new deadline set for the end of August.
BSI and the standard drafting group were clearly as keen as BSIF were to ensure that the standard is suitable and workable before it goes to publication, but since the standard is intended to be used to address some current market gaps and has already been delayed previously, all parties were keen to try and publish it this year. This compromise, allowing the comment deadline to be extended from June to the end of August, allowed the industry experts from the BSIF Height Safety Group enough time to review and comment as thoroughly as they would wish.
This is another strong example of where an industry body such as BSIF raising a concern, and BSI being flexible, resulted in both parties working towards the same aim of the published standard being as good as it can be. It also means the standards development process doesn’t end up being too long, thereby avoiding the risk that the intended users would not be able to gain the benefit of having a best practise document in place for them to conform to.
Ian Richardson, board director, BSIF & standards publishing manager, BSI
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