Kelly Rose

Ian Richardson

UK organizations are making the roads safer for cyclists and vulnerable road users using BS ISO 39001

The UK Government is dedicated to protecting cyclists and pedestrians and has launched the Cycle Safety Review, pledging £7 million towards making the roads safer.

Jesse Norman MP, parliamentary under secretary of state for transport, stated: “Everyone should be able to take advantage of the huge health and environmental benefits of cycling. While Britain has some of the safest roads in the world, we want to encourage more people to take up cycling … ”

Road safety is a global concern and in 2009, the International Standards organization began work on a standard to help organizations reduce the incidence and adverse effects of road traffic accidents caused by business related journeys. The BSI Road Traffic Safety Committee took a lead role in developing the document and in 2012 ‘ISO 39001, Road Traffic Safety Management Systems’ was published.

In January 2014, FM Conway became the third company in Europe to achieve certification to ISO 39001.

“Road safety has always been embedded in our company culture, but a letter we received in February 2013 from Transport for London’s Commissioner, Peter Hendy, increased our focus,” Dave Conway, the company’s quality and environmental manager, explained.

Analysis of the 16 cyclist fatalities in London in 2011 had shown that nine involved HGVs, seven of which were construction vehicles. The evidence suggested that construction vehicles were a particular problem. One of the recommendations FM Conway were asked to act on was ‘adherence to a nationally recognized standard on work related road safety (such as ISO 39001)’.

The benefits of ISO 39001 could not be more compelling. FM Conway have prevented 10 accidents involving cyclists. In the four years since implementation, Conway’s 1,415 vehicles, which travel 35,375,000 miles each year, have only been involved in two minor incidents. In the five years prior to implementation, the number was 12. The improvement is even more remarkable when you consider that Conway has doubled its number of vehicles and mileage since 2008.

In 2017 Michael Conway, CEO of FM Conway, received an MBE for services to British construction, infrastructure support and road safety.

The Department for Transport has asked the BSI Road Traffic Safety Committee to present ISO 39001 as a proven solution to making the roads safer for vulnerable road users in response to the Cycle Safety Review. The conversation between the DfT and the committee continues.

The World Health Organisation also stated: "Road Traffic Safety is a global concern with an estimated 1.25 million people killed on roads around the world each year. Without sustained action, road traffic crashes are predicted to become the seventh leading cause of death by 2030."

Not only has Conway prevented 10 accidents, they have also boosted the morale of their staff and increased their competitiveness as an industry leader in road traffic safety.

Dave Conway added: “Our people have really bought into this system. Not only does our award winning ‘Driver Recognition Scheme’ provide opportunity to reward our better drivers, but all our people recognise and embrace the philosophy of looking after all road users, as well as themselves, in respect of our Work Related Road Risks. We are now looking at addressing the risks relating to their daily commutes."

If you would like to know more about the benefits of ISO 39001 contact Sophie Erskine (

Ian Richardson is board director, BSIF and standards publishing manager, BSI

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