Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Constructing Better Health (CBH) Scotland is urging those involved in the Scottish construction industry to ‘take the pledge’ to improve the long-term health and wellbeing of the industry’s workforce.
Across the economy, 98% of all health and safety related deaths in the workplace are caused by ill health rather than safety related accidents. CBH Scotland estimates the cost of occupational ill health in the Scottish construction industry to be in the region of £66 million every year.
The construction sector has one of the highest rates of work-related musculoskeletal disease of any industry with around 3,500 cases reported each year in Scotland. Overall, one third of construction workers are estimated to have occupational health issues. Meanwhile, 56% of all male occupational cancers are caused by working in the construction sector.
CBH Scotland was launched in April this year with a campaign to introduce a standard baseline health check for all new apprentices entering the industry. CBH Scotland has estimated that this measure alone could save the Scottish economy more than £30 million over the next ten years.
Constructing Better Health chief executive Michelle Aldous said: "Regular and consistent monitoring of the industry workforce would enable us to target support towards those most vulnerable to long term health conditions and to introduce preventative measures to protect workers from exposure to known health risks."
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