Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
One in six (16%) business drivers feel invincible when driving, claiming that they never consider their safety to be at risk, according to research from Masternaut, a pan-European provider of fleet telematics solutions.
As part of a focus on helping fleets improve safety on the road, Masternaut surveyed 2,000 UK employees that drive as part of their job to highlight the progress in road safety education and the work that is still required for further improvement.
Masternaut’s next generation telematics platform, Masternaut Connect, is proven to improve driver behaviour, reducing instances of speeding and harsh braking, acceleration and cornering. UK businesses and fleet managers can easily implement a driver training programme using data and insight gained from Masternaut Connect.
By collating information on driver behaviour, Connect can give an in-depth look at how businesses can improve safety and driving standards within their workforce, helping to reduce the amount of invincible and vulnerable drivers on the roads.
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