Kelly Rose

Industrial mist and fume removal

Trion has just extended its AIR BOSS T Series electronic air cleaner range with three new units. The T3003, T4004 and T5005 are compact, low profile units which feature proven electrostatic precipitation technology,Trion has just extended its AIR BOSS T Series electronic air cleaner range with three new units.

The T3003, T4004 and T5005 are compact, low profile units which feature proven electrostatic precipitation technology, for removing potentially harmful mist, fume and smoke by-products created by industrial processes.

They are designed to provide optimum air cleaning efficiency with minimum of maintenance.

Once the contaminated indoor air has passed through the unit, clean air can be re-circulated back into the workspace rather than exhausted to outside, so saving energy costs.

Unit cleaning capacities ranging in air volumes from 6,630, 8,840 or 11,050 m3/hr respectively. They can be free hanging or ducted for source capture as required.
Industrial mist and fume removal
Industrial mist and fume removal
Company Info

Trion Limited

The Cavendish Centre Winnall Close
S023 0LB

01962 840465

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