PSL DataTrack business
administration software has assisted
a manufacturer of safety equipment
to ensure its products and assemblies
are fully traceable and can be recalled
at any time for recertification in
PSL DataTrack business
administration software has assisted
a manufacturer of safety equipment
to ensure its products and assemblies
are fully traceable and can be recalled
at any time for recertification in
accordance with required standards.
Designed for people working, at
height, the descent control units
and fall arrestors are the subject of a
rigorous in-house quality control
regime and also have to be regularly
independently tested and certified.
PSL's DataTrack standard Quality
Module software package was selected
to replace manual administration of
quality control procedures. It is said
to meet all the company's regular
quality control requirements while
having the flexibility to handle
special needs such as product recalls
and differentiation between landbased
and marine equipment with
differing recertification schedules.