Kelly Rose

Kills Norovirus

Norovirus is the most common cause of infectious diarrhoea in the UK.

Norovirus is the most common cause of infectious diarrhoea in the UK.

Highly infectious and easily spread, Norovirus is known to cause large outbreaks of infection in hospitals, hotels, cruise ships and places with groups of people. The best defence is preventing the spread of Norovirus through good hygiene; washing before and after trips to the bathroom, preparation of food, and/or handling of potentially infectious waste.

Responsebeta is a high performance hand sanitizer and disinfectant from Kays Medical. A broad spectrum biocide, Responsebeta is effective against bacteria, fungi, yeasts and spores. It is also said to kill Norovirus and provide advanced residual protection for up to two hours after application.
Kills Norovirus
Kills Norovirus
Company Info

Kays Medical

1 Winward Drive
L24 8QR

01514 822830

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