Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Double the number of larger corporates than SMEs (53% compared to 25%) say that they conduct risk assessments only if the employee is travelling to an area deemed high risk, according to the latest research from Collinson Group.
Asked if their business has a corporate travel risk partner in place in addition to a travel management company (TMC) the research also found that one in 10 of larger corporates and one in 20 SMEs did not. Furthermore, a quarter (25%) of larger corporates and just under a third (31%) of SMEs reported that they did not have a risk management strategy contained within their own corporate travel policy.
In terms of pre-travel briefings, under half (47%) of HR professionals at larger corporates said they ensure employees are issued with company guidelines with regards to safety and security when travelling on business, reducing to 40% for SMEs.
A similar number of larger corporates and SMEs (28% and 23% respectively) agreed that ‘internal coordination of responsibility’ was the most challenging aspect of sending people overseas on business. However, clarifying the risks presented by different locations was another top concern for both business types (22% of corporates and 25% of SMEs).
A further quarter (24%) of larger corporates cited ‘staying ahead of risk drivers’ as the most challenging aspect, as opposed to just 10% of SMEs.
Almost three quarters (73%) of HR professionals at larger corporates either strongly agreed or agreed that the process of sending employees abroad has got more complicated and difficult from a Duty of Care perspective over the last 12 months, whereas less than half (44%) of SMEs felt this way. Moreover, among the former 65% anticipated it getting more complicated over the next 12 months against 44% for SMEs.
Separate research commissioned by Collinson Group among business travellers found that over a third (36%) described the information and guidance received from their company pre-travel as; ‘standardised and does not relate to my specific business travel needs or risks’. A similar number (34%) said the information provided ‘sufficiently’ met their needs whereas 15% said they were not aware of any formal guidance at all.
Randall Gordon-Duff, head of Product, Corporate Travel, Collinson Group, said: “All companies have a Duty of Care towards employees irrespective of their size. What constitutes ‘best practice’ for each can depend on a range of variables, such as budget, risk appetite and the particular business travel requirements of individual firms. However, affordable solutions that reflect diverse needs are readily available and can be easily tailored to fit.
“Our research identified a lack of resource dedicated to risk management within some corporate travel policies (either in-house or outsourced). Given the evolving nature of risk globally it has become more critical than ever that employees sent abroad on business are protected and, importantly feel confident in their employer’s ability to provide assistance on the move if needed. Now is a very good time for businesses large and small to review and reassess their current and projected traveller profiles, associated policies and their subsequent approach to Duty of Care requirements.”
To download a copy of the full report, visit
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