Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Stanley Security provides a range of lone worker safety solutions for organisations that need to minimise the risks faced by the many different groups of staff that may have to work alone in a diverse range of environments.
Its devices and services provide lone workers and their line managers with practical solutions to assist them for a lone working situation.
BS8484 (The British Standard for Lone Worker Device Services) is the benchmark for a credible lone worker solution in the UK. The standard determines the category of police response a lone worker receives. A BS8484 approved solution is escalated directly into the relevant control room one level higher than a 999 call. It's a quicker process, and a guaranteed police response for your workers where appropriate. The standard also gives a clear indication about whether or not the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) element of Stanley's solution is accredited to BS5979 Cat II, and indicates that a supplier is on a financial footing to successfully deliver your solution for the duration of a contract.
Stand B48
STANLEY Security Solutions Ltd
Stanley House
Bramble Road
Techno Trading Estate
0844 2540032