Kelly Rose

Low-frequency field analyser

Available from EMF (electromagnetic field) safety specialist Link Microtek is a new field analyser that has been designed to provide a straightforward means of evaluating sources of low-frequency fields against the requirements of the forthcoming EMF Directive, which comes into force at the beginning of July 2016.

Manufactured by Narda Safety Test Solutions, the EHP-50F compact field analyser covers the frequency range from 1Hz to 400kHz, employing powerful FFT analysis techniques to assess the low-frequency fields that occur wherever electrical energy is generated, distributed or used.

The analyser incorporates both electric and magnetic field sensors for all three spatial dimensions, allowing accurate measurements to be made irrespective of field direction. Featuring a built-in tripod bush and remote operation via optical cable, the EHP-50F can be optimally positioned without causing any distortion of the field. The instrument utilises the ‘weighted peak’ method of measurement as specified in the Directive, with results expressed simply as a percentage of the relevant limit value.

The field analyser can be controlled and the results displayed by attaching it to either a Narda NBM-550 hand-held meter or a PC running the EHP50-TS software supplied. Powered by Li-ion rechargeable batteries, the EHP-50F unit also features a stand-alone mode, which enables it to function as a data logger for 24 hours, taking measurements every 30 or 60 seconds. 

The instrument is capable of measuring electric field strengths from 5mV/m to 100kV/m and magnetic fields from 0.3nT to 10mT. It has a dynamic range of more than 105dB and can operate in ambient temperatures from -20 to 55degC. 


Company Info

Link Microtek Limited

High Point
Church Street
RG21 7QN

01256 355771

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