Proactive tool and equipment
maintenance plays an essential but
often neglected role in helping to
reduce occupational Hand-Arm
Vibration Syndrome, says Phil Wolff
Hand-arm vibration occurs when
the vibrations from Proactive tool and equipment
maintenance plays an essential but
often neglected role in helping to
reduce occupational Hand-Arm
Vibration Syndrome, says Phil Wolff
Hand-arm vibration occurs when
the vibrations from work
processes - such as operating
hand-held power tools or manoeuvring
materials that are processed by machines
- spread into worker's hands and arms.
Constant exposure to such repetitive
vibration can cause a range of medical
conditions known collectively as Hand-
Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS).
HAVS can affect the bones, joints and
blood vessels and sufferers may
experience a loss of strength in the hands
and numbness in the fingers and
fingertips - 'white finger' symptoms.
According to the HSE, there are an
estimated 2 million workers in the UK at
risk from over-exposure to HAV. While
of course HAVS can affect anyone with
high or sustained vibration exposure,
those in industries such as construction,
maintenance, rail and engineering are
perhaps most at risk -those that regularly
and repeatedly use heavy duty vibrating
Under the Control of Vibration at
Work Regulations 2005, employers must
assess the risk of HAV exposure and take
measures to eliminate or reduce it in
order to protect their workforce. The
simplest way to do this would be to not
use vibrating equipment in the first place
but in many cases that won't be possible
or practicable - and where using vibrating
equipment is unavoidable, users will
unavoidably experience some exposure to
HAV. But the good news is that this
exposure can be managed and the risks
assessed, controlled and reduced - first
and foremost through training and
equipment selection but just as
importantly, through effective tool
First things first - users should be
competently trained to make sure that
they know how to hold and use the
equipment correctly, that they have the
necessary PPE and that they work only to
the recommended and legal Exposure
Action Values (EAVs) and Exposure Limit
Values (ELVs) in order to reduce their
exposure to the lowest reasonable levels.
Then of course, starting with good
tools that are sharp and robust is
paramount. Using equipment that is
suitable for the task, with both a low
vibration impact and a good performance
rating is key - equipment that appears to
emit a lower vibration could actually lead
to increased exposure for the user if the
task takes longer to complete.
Stay sharp
But after that, it is then just as important
to make sure you keep that equipment in
a good state of repair. Perhaps sometimes
somewhat overlooked when it comes to
combating HAVS is the impact of using
auxiliary items and tool appendages that
are not appropriately sharp - and by this I
mean the items used in conjunction with
the tool itself; drill bits, blades and chisels
for example. These items wear down with
use and blunt and eroded tools
significantly increase the vibrations
absorbed by the user - and because data
and guidance collated and produced on
HAVS is conducted on brand new tools,
worn tools can also invalidate any EAV
It won't be practical to use brand new
appendages for every new task but with
correct tool appendage maintenance, nor
is it necessary. You should make sure that
you have a formal maintenance
programme in place so that you know
when these auxiliary items need to be
replaced or re-sharpened. Employers
must keep records of how regularly
equipment is maintained and employees
should be vigilant in monitoring the
condition of tools in use.
And if professional tool maintenance
isn't possible within your company, invest
in a well-respected maintenance channel
partner to re-sharpen tools to the correct
angles for you. Or consider hiring the
equipment you need - we will check and
maintain all auxiliary items, as well as the
powered item itself, after every use so you
can be reassured that you'll receive 'shop
fresh' equipment every time.
By factoring in a comprehensive
maintenance programme to all HAV
considerations - or by outsourcing that
responsibility to a hire partner - employers
will be better equipped to protect their
workforces from HAV symptoms as well
as increasing productivity and protecting
themselves from days lost to illness. With
all the other rigorous controls
surrounding HAV exposure and all the
good work businesses are doing to protect
their workforces from HAVS related
illnesses, it's essential that they don't
forget to take the tool maintenance
element of this process into account.
Phil Wolff is the health & safety director at
HSS Hire