Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
A new course from Maersk Training is designed to help offshore workers understand the impact of the human error in marine incidents, and enhance their leadership and management skills in order to prevent them.
The five-day programme meets the latest mandatory requirements for approved training in the Human Element, Leadership and Management at Management level as directed by the STCW2010 convention and based on the Merchant Navy Training Board’s criteria. It will build on the theory using a range of practical exercises.
Maersk's 'Managing Safely for Offshore Renewables' course provides managers and supervisors in offshore wind, wave & tidal sectors with the essential tools for competently and safely leading their teams. Approved by IOSH, it will run from early December.
Unit 11 & 12 Jupiter Court
Orion Business Park
Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate
North Shields
NE29 7SE
0191 270 3220