Kelly Rose

Men less likely to seek medical attention for injuries?

Men over 45 years old are less likely to seek medical attention if they are injured, despite them suffering more severe injuries than women, according to a survey carried out by injury management specialist, Össur Webshop.

The survey of more than 600 people revealed that 18% of males aged 45 years and over did not seek treatment for their injuries, compared to just 4% of females of the same age.

This result comes as male respondents also rated their injuries as more severe than women’s - with 70% of men compared to 60% of women rating their injury as 7 out of 10 or above on a scale where 1 was for minor bruising and 10 required surgery.

Giles Leeming, clinical specialist at Össur Webshop, said: “It would seem that there is still a stigma amongst males seeking medical assistance for injuries and illnesses, which could be putting their lives at risk. Failing to seek proper treatment for an injury, no matter how severe, can mean more serious problems down the line, including you having to give up work, your favourite pastime or developing a disability that could prevent you from living a normal life.”

Common reasons for males over 45 not seeking medical attention included: not having the time (17%), waiting for the injury to go away (33%) and wanting to avoid surgery or “expensive treatment not on the NHS” (33%). 

Giles said: “The longer you ignore an injury, the harder it will become to treat. Many people are mistaken into thinking that time will heal wounds, but it could just have the opposite effect. Making an appointment with your GP or speaking to another injury specialist for advice can ensure you are able to stay active.

“Our advice when it comes to managing an injury in the first instance, is to follow the RICE principle - rest, ice, compression and elevation. If you’re still suffering, then seek assistance from your GP. It’s vital that you don’t just ignore you injury figuring it will heal over time.”

Most common injuries suffered by men over 45 are knee (45%), ankle (18%), foot (18%) and calf and shin (15%), while women are more like to injure their knee (47%), shoulder (29%) or ankle (20%).

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