Kelly Rose

Mental health leading to increased missed days

STRESS, DEPRESSION and anxiety accounted for 40 percent of all work-related ill health cases and 49 percent of all working days lost due to ill health in 2016/17.

These figures were revealed in the Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety at Work Summary statistics for Great Britain 2017. Any workforce can be healthy and thriving with the right nurturing and support. It’s important that staff at all levels, are educated to feel confident to spot the signs of work-related stress and to tackle it in the appropriate manner.

We have recently launched our new mental wellbeing and resilience courses for the workplace, designed to build individual and team resilience, to help people maintain and return to a state of positive mental wellbeing. 

Stay up to date and ensure you are legally compliant by subscribing to the Red Cross Training newsletter. Our latest edition features more about stress and how to deal with it. Get the latest health and safety and first aid news directly to your inbox. You’ll receive:

  • Latest legislation updates
  • First aid true stories
  • Free first aid learning resources.

Exceeding our customers’ expectations

Working in partnership with insurance company Aviva, the Red Cross has helped to make a positive difference to the lives and mental wellbeing of its staff and customers.

Since 2016, over 95% of Aviva customer facing staff have now completed Mental wellbeing and resilience training with the Red Cross.

Visit the Red Cross website to find out more about our range of workplace first aid training courses.

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british red cross
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British Red Cross

Bradbury House
4 Ohio Avenue
Salford Quays
M50 2GT

0844 8711111

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