To overcome the challenges of
process control in aggressive
environments, Alicat Scientific has
developed the MS and MCS series
Mass Flow Meters and Controllers.
The all 316L stainless steel
construction and FFKM elasTo overcome the challenges of
process control in aggressive
environments, Alicat Scientific has
developed the MS and MCS series
Mass Flow Meters and Controllers.
The all 316L stainless steel
construction and FFKM elastomeric
materials of the MS and MCS series
provide metering and control
options for the more common
corrosive gases and gas mixes used in
caustic process environments. The
units are calibrated for thirty inert
gases and a number of corrosive
gases that would damage standard
equipment, including ammonia,
hydrogen sulphide, and sulphfur
The MS series mass flow meters
quickly and accurately measure
pressure, temperature and
volumetric flow, in addition to mass