Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
The HAVSense desktop is a compact system for the monitoring and reporting of Hand Arm Vibration dosage levels (HAVS).
The mains powered docking station operates in combination with an existing computer, via a USB connection, in a bid to provide control over the HAVSense Dosimeters charging, deployment, sampling and reporting using the HAVSense monitoring software package.
The risk of personal injury from exposure to excessive levels of vibration is well documented. In particular, high levels of hand-arm vibration from powered hand tools are known to cause HAVS, otherwise known as vibration white finger (VWF) or Raynaud’s disease. Left unchecked and untreated, serious injury including amputation of the fingertips could result.
HAVSco has developed a system that measures the actual vibration dose inflicted on the hand and provides a visual indication if the HSE action or limit values are exceeded. Using the HAVSense personal vibration dosimeters, personal hand arm vibration data can be recorded continuously throughout the workday on multiple workers, even when using multiple power tools for different operations.
Worn under the glove on either hand, the HAVSense Dosimeter monitor measures and records the actual vibration dosage entering the operator’s fingers/hands and is designed to meet requirements for ‘on the job’ HAVS monitoring.
Displayed in a choice of graphical formats, including HSE points showing each operator's personal daily HAVS exposure, archived for retrieval by the organisations health and safety officer/health professional.
The HAVSense three axis dosimeter is said to provide an ideal method for monitoring Hand Arm Vibration in that it conforms to the dosage calculation requirements of the Physical Agents Directive, of ISO 5349, of ISO 8041-2005 and the EU Directive 2002/44/EC.
De-Freville House
27 Park Lane
01692 400635