Kelly Rose

New calibration rig

Link Microtek, UK supplier of EMF (electromagnetic field) safety equipment, has enhanced its in-house laboratory with a new calibration facility specifically created for the latest Nardalert S3 range of EMF safety monitors, manufactured by Narda Safety Test Solutions.

As the official European service centre for all Nardalert models, Link Microtek has 
replicated the S3 calibration setup at Narda’s US factory and will now be able to offer a rapid-turnaround service for S3 monitor users throughout Europe. Organisations such as broadcast and telecommunications companies typically operate a large number of EMF monitors to protect personnel working in the vicinity of high-power transmitters.

The key element of the S3 calibration rig is a GTEM (gigahertz transverse electromagnetic) cell, which has been designed and manufactured in-house by Link Microtek’s microwave engineering team. Suitable for measurements at frequencies up to 18GHz, the fully shielded GTEM cell creates a uniform electromagnetic field of known pattern and intensity, allowing devices to be tested for both EMC emissions and immunity. In addition, the S3 setup includes a signal generator, a power meter, amplifiers, couplers and various other RF and microwave components.

Commenting on the new facility, technical director Hugo Bibby said: "Since the Nardalert personal monitors are safety-related equipment, it is important for them to be recalibrated at regular intervals – at least every two years but more frequently if they are used in a harsh environment. We realise how important local support is for our customers, and the new S3 setup at Basingstoke means we can keep calibration turnaround time to an absolute minimum.”

The Nardalert S3 monitor itself features an innovative design with a removable sensor module, which gives users the option of simply swapping an out-of-date module for a calibrated one and then sending it to Link Microtek for recalibration, thereby eliminating downtime completely.

The frequency response of the sensor module is shaped to match the requirements of the EMF Directive, which will come into force in 2016. Should the monitor detect electric field strengths that approach or exceed the specified exposure limit, it will generate visual, audible and vibration alarms to alert the user.
Company Info

Link Microtek Limited

High Point
Church Street
RG21 7QN

01256 355771

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