Kelly Rose

New Connectivity Technologies Solving Gas Detection Challenges

We live in a connected world. Connectivity creates smarter people, smarter homes, and smarter workflows. But this connectivity does not exist as much in the workplace, where safety should be a priority. A high number of workplace injuries and related costs remain virtually unchanged, year over year.

With the millions of workplace injuries each year and countless lost hours of productivity, safety teams need advanced technology tools that can help address their safety challenges and move towards safer worker environments and behaviors.

But PPE hasn’t traditionally incorporated a technology component in a way that helps to solve many of these problems, this includes gas detectors.

While gas detection is an important part of any safety program playing a fundamental role in helping to keep workers and worksites safe, managing a gas detection program presents many challenges.

The good news is that new technologies in gas detection helps to build connections between WORKERS, WORKSITES and WORKFLOWS – to create an adaptive safety program now and into the future.

In this webinar you will see specialists discuss:

  • How new connectivity technologies are solving the main challenges in gas detection, helping to improve compliance, visibility and more.
  • How connectivity in gas detection can help to provide reliable, actionable data, allowing safety managers to help create safer, more efficient work environments and reduce human error.
  • The role of PPE and Connected Gas Detection Wearable in driving connected worker, worksites, and workflows.
  • Why connectivity that delivers critical data points from on-site workers to off-site safety managers is not enough.
  • How the new MSA ALTAIR io™ 4 gas detection wearable helps to support worker safety, compliance, and productivity.
  • The future of Connected Work with MSA Connected Work Platform.


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MSA Safety

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