Marsh, the insurance broker and
risk adviser, is recommending
that organisations based in
England review their health and safety
procedures following the introduction of
the Fire Safety (Employees' Capabilities)
Marsh, the insurance broker and
risk adviser, is recommending
that organisations based in
England review their health and safety
procedures following the introduction of
the Fire Safety (Employees' Capabilities)
(England) Regulations 2010 which came
into force for England on 6 April.
The new regulations require employers to
take into account employees' capabilities
regarding fire-related health and safety
when entrusting fire-related tasks to them.
The introduction of these new regulations
plugs a gap created by the Regulatory
Reform (Fire Safety) Order by adding fire
safety to the general health and safety
requirement to take employee's capabilities
into consideration when assigning tasks.
Kevin Molloy, leader of health and
safety in Marsh's Risk Consulting Practice,
said: "As these regulations apply to people
already in position as well as future
appointments, all employers should review
their current fire-related health and safety
appointments. In order to ensure that their
organisation is fully compliant with the
new regulations, employers need to ensure
a worker has the ability to carry out all
tasks assigned.
"For example, fire wardens should know
which areas they are required to sweep if
the alarm sounds, how to help evacuate
individuals with mobility problems safely
and competently and have the ability to
give instructions under the stress of a fire