Logistics and supply chain provider
Primeline has taken delivery of three
AC electric Aisle-Master articulated
forklifts, meeting its need for more
storage space at its distribution
centre in Dublin after it won a new
Logistics and supply chain provider
Primeline has taken delivery of three
AC electric Aisle-Master articulated
forklifts, meeting its need for more
storage space at its distribution
centre in Dublin after it won a new
contract to manage a bonded facility
for a wines and spirits business.
By capitalising on the Aisle-Masters'
ability to work in narrow aisles and
its manoevrability, Primeline was
able to cut down the width of the
aisles needed by its old reach trucks.
In addition
Primeline's drivers
were said to
appreciate the Aisle-
Masters' smooth
and effortless
operation and were
impressed with the
steady mast
controls when
lifting and lowering
loads from the
highest pallet