New from low-level
push around scissor lift
expert, Pop-Up
Products, the Pop-Up
Push range –
comprising the Push
200, Push 250 and Push
300 – is reported to be
faster (ascent and
decent), stronger and
lighter than o
New from low-level
push around scissor lift
expert, Pop-Up
Products, the Pop-Up
Push range -
comprising the Push
200, Push 250 and Push
300 - is reported to be
faster (ascent and
decent), stronger and
lighter than other push
around scissor lifts
currently available.
The Pop-Up Push 200 has a
platform height of 2m (200cm) and
includes improved heavy duty castors,
auto brakes as standard, lightweight
aluminium platform and toeboard, as
well as an innovative built in control
panel which includes a battery
monitoring meter to
enable operators to recharge
the machines
around natural
stoppages in work.
The Pop-Up Push
250 and Push 300 have
platform heights of 2.5m
(250cm) and 3m
(300cm) respectively
and incorporate all of
the same modifications
as the Pop-Up Push 200.