Consult Capital, a training and
consultancy business that
specialises in fire safety, has recently
introduced an internally-built,
software system called Fire Fast.
Mark Littlejohns, director of
health, safety and envConsult Capital, a training and
consultancy business that
specialises in fire safety, has recently
introduced an internally-built,
software system called Fire Fast.
Mark Littlejohns, director of
health, safety and environment,
said: "Fire Fast is the ultimate
online fire risk assessment tool
designed to bring all businesses and
organisations, from sole traders
through to large corporate
organisations, in line with the legal
compliance of the Regulatory
Reform Fire Safety Order 2005."
Fire Fast helps premises
managers conduct their own fire
risk assessment
with a step-bystep
system, that
includes easy
online updating
of fire risk
assessments to
help managers
decide whether
compliance has
been reached.
Other features include an integrated
online fire log book with email
reminders and a monitoring
system; as well as a reporting
system that can be broken down by
site, by individual building and by
risk level.