Kelly Rose

Online mapping tool

"Lone workers are found across a wide range of sectors from the public sector to agriculture and forestry," explains Gert Riemersma, technical director at Trackplot .

"Different lone workers are exposed to different types of risk. People working with the public could be dealing with difficult people or sensitive situations. Others are more at risk from their surroundings, working in isolated and hostile environments. Often lone workers behave differently to workers in teams. In fact, injuries for lone workers seem to be worse than for those who work in teams."

It is the employer’s duty to assess risks to lone workers and take steps to avoid or control risks where necessary. These control measures can range from providing lone workers with information, procedural training to deciding the correct level of supervision and reporting, as well as the implementation of a lone worker system.

Trackplot is a complete lone worker system, designed specifically to keep outdoor lone workers safe. Easy to use, robust and accurate, the online mapping tool provides a way to locate and communicate with people in rural and isolated areas not covered by a mobile phone network. The system works across the whole of the UK including all remote areas.

Trackplot uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to find each lone worker's location and integrates with a range of devices to transmit messages via communication satellites (or the lone worker can switch to a mobile phone network if in range). 

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