Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Northampton-based Dragon Infrastructure Solutions is one of the latest companies to benefit from UTN Training’s online booking and payment service, and because it is an account customer it can take advantage of extended payment terms.
Sue James, Dragon Infrastructure Solutions training & development coordinator, said: “We have been a UTN Training customer for several years and find the online booking service very convenient. It’s also pleasing that we now don’t have to pay for training immediately at the point of booking.
“We have operatives based throughout the UK, and as UTN Training has 22 locations I can usually find one that is convenient for them. This is a real benefit as it reduces travelling time for our operatives, and because a course can be found near to their homes we do not need to book hotel accommodation if the course runs for several days. Unlike some online ordering facilities, UTN Training’s actually works, and I know I can always telephone them if I have any questions.”
The UTN Training website gives customers easy and convenient 24/7 access to their accounts so that they can book training at a time that suits them. It also allows them to view bookings and training course history and gives live information about the dates, locations and number of places available on specific courses.
To find out more about UTN Training courses visit: search or to open a business account call the UTN Training team on 08707 871 511.
2nd Floor West Wing Diamond House
Diamond Business Park
Thornes Moor Road
01924 377379