Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
When deciding to choose to use commercial grade cleaning chemicals from the Arpal Group, new and existing customers need to be assured that they are dealing with a reputable cleaning chemical supplier who values customer safety as its primary concern.
So back in late 2015, to assist its customers to comply with their COSHH responsibilities Arpal Group started to build a free-to-use online Chemical Safety Course at www.rpadam.online. The e-Learning module was developed with the aim of ensuring key chemical safety messages were communicated clearly and consistently so that consumers retained key knowledge and Arpal's cleaning detergents were used as safely and as effectively as possible. The resulting 30-minute interactive course takes participants through the necessary steps to understand all key aspects of using chemicals safely in the workplace.
The course has been established to help improve the quality of the company’s safety training, standardise key messages and significantly cut training delivery costs, by being far more flexible than organising group training sessions. Nearly 10,000 customer trainees have completed the course and the average monthly uptake is growing all the time.
Arpal Works
Riverside Road
01750 23780