NG Bailey's new site discipline
programme collaborates with
employees to tackle unsafe behaviours
and reduce the risk of construction
site accidents.
The company says that 97 per cent
of employees who have been througNG Bailey's new site discipline
programme collaborates with
employees to tackle unsafe behaviours
and reduce the risk of construction
site accidents.
The company says that 97 per cent
of employees who have been through
the rehabilitation programme have
had no further onsite behavioural
problems. Under the programme, site
supervisors work
with employees
who have carried
out an unsafe act
to help them
identify why they
acted unsafely,
before developing
a behavioural
improvement plan
to ensure that the
behaviour does not happen again.
It's a departure from traditional
practices, whereby employees who
behave unsafely on site are
reprimanded or dismissed with little
or no guidance about what they did