Kelly Rose

Portable work platform

An important new portable work platform for use when working in roof spaces, will be at The Health & Safety Event.

Oxford Safety Components is showing its 240 Mat, said to provide excellent electrical security as well as physical protection for tasks in attics.

There are hazards in many roof spaces when operatives carry out installation or inspection tasks. They face the double risks of unknown position and condition of both joists and electrics; because these are frequently hidden under layers of fibreglass. In older buildings, joists may not be in regular patterns.

The unfortunate results can be a fall through the ceiling or electric shock from bare or broken electrical items.

The 240 Mat closes up for access through even the smallest attic hatchway. It is light to move up, and into position, across the attic joists
An example of the application of the 240 Mat is a this safe working platform for checking solar power equipment.

Oxford Safety supplies a portable work platform that is insulated and which folds up in order to go through a typical hatchway. This has aluminium bars insulated by a uPVC coating. It is used many surveyors, plumbers, and maintenance engineers.

Now, a stronger and lighter ‘all-plastic’ version is to be announced. The new 240 Mat from Oxford Safety is a strong but light composite construction using technology that makes components for racing cars. It is a complete insulator.

Stand G50

The company can be contacted at 01869 323282 or

Company Info

Oxford Safety Components

Unit 59
Murdock Road
OX26 4PP

01869 323282

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