Kelly Rose

Posture prompts

To help ensure the correct computer posture is achieved, Physio Supplies has introduced Posture Minder, a simple, cost-effective piece of software that is installed on to the computer and then monitors and alerts the user via their webcam.

To help ensure the correct computer posture is achieved, Physio Supplies has introduced Posture Minder, a simple, cost-effective piece of software that is installed on to the computer and then monitors and alerts the user via their webcam.

Posture Minder's key feature is to continually check the user's posture every few seconds utilising a webcam. Whenever they sit in a damaging posture for an extended period, or spend too much time sitting in any position without moving sufficiently, Posture Minder will provide a friendly reminder to improve the seated position. Users have full control over how quickly reminders appear via Posture Minder's settings.
Posture prompts
Posture prompts
Company Info

The Physio Company

The Studio Building
Meeting House Square
Temple Bar

+353-16799 685

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