Kelly Rose

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Icomm Technologies has contracted Powercall UK for 24/7 power within the hour emergency generator cover. Icomm Technologies delivers IT services to SMEs, corporate and public sector bodies which include a disaster recIcomm Technologies has contracted Powercall UK for 24/7 power within the hour emergency generator cover.

Icomm Technologies delivers IT services to SMEs, corporate and public sector bodies which include a disaster recovery service, 24/7 monitoring of customer sites, a multi-million pound E-commerce site and hosting commitments that have to be up and running on a high availability basis.

Although the company has several uninterruptible power supply systems installed, these would only support essential equipment for a limited period during a powercut.

Powercall will enable Icomm to keep its server room and services up and running in the event of an extended power cut.
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Company Info

Powercall UK

National Emergency Generator Network Shenton House
Walworth Road
Walworth Business Park
SP10 5LH

0870 7583210

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