Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Occupational health and safety are core considerations for the electricity generation, transmission and distribution supply industries. Terry Woolmer, head of Health and Safety Policy at EEF, the manufacturers' organisation, examines the issues of public safety and the workforce that maintains and operates the networks.
The priority risks for the electricity supply industry include working with electricity, working at height and driving, occupational health as well as public safety issues involving both members of the public (electro-magnetic fields) and third-party contractors.
SAFELEC 2010 was a 10 year initiative launched in 1999 which looked at the activities of the electricity supply sector in conjunction with trade unions, contractors and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). In order to meet Government targets they set out the HSE documents ‘Revitalising Health & Safety’ and ‘Securing Health Together’. SAFELEC reduced the number of working days lost per 100,000 workers through work-related injury and ill health by 30% and cut the rate of fatal and major injury accidents by 10%.
Following SAFELEC the electricity supply sector launched a further five year health and safety strategy called ‘Powering Improvement’ which concentrated on the following themes:
The focus for 2015, ‘Working with Contractors’ is concentrating on developing open partnership approaches between electricity supply companies and their contractors in order to share best practice, intelligence and lessons learned in managing common risks such as working at height, working with electricity and occupational ill health. This partnership approach also involves the trade unions at its heart.
The idea is that the 2015 focus will lead to openly shared approaches on managing health and safety risks and result in consistent approaches to managing the same H&S risks being shared, promoted and published across the Electricity supply sector.
The Electricity Supply industry, together with unions and HSE, subscribe to the following principles developed through its National Health and Safety Advisory Committee (HESAC). They form a key part of the sectors vision and strategy:
One of the obvious risks associated with the industry is working at height. One example includes climbing of overhead line poles, of which there are approximately 4 million poles in the UK, mainly used to support HV and LV overhead lines.
A large pole can weigh a quarter of a tonne or considerably more with a transformer or other equipment. The main risks are associated with incorrect erection or decay in service. There have been many incidents where linesmen have climbed decayed poles which have then fallen while the linesmen were on the pole. Some have resulted in serious injuries or fatalities, both to linesmen on the poles and others hit by the falling poles.
Direct and contributory causes have included failure to test poles properly before climbing them, climbing poles marked as defective or not changing defective poles.
The ‘Powering Improvement’ initiative on Asset management and maintenance led to a modification of Asset Management procedures so that: