Kelly Rose

PPE contract

International energy company Statoil has entered into an agreement with Wenaas (Kwintet Norge AS), resulting in what is said to be Northern Europe’s largest contract in the PPE and workwear sector.

Statoil has been a Wenaas customer for many years, using its products on a global scale. Statoil has been a strategically important customer in terms of innovative new product development for Wenaas workwear and protective footwear in harsh climatic environments, as part of the ground breaking Petromaks Project. Under the new contract, Kwintet has also been trusted to deliver all protective gear for the energy company. 
Lars Tendal, managing director of Kwintet said: "This contract is the largest contract in this sector in Northern Europe. When awarding the contract, price has obviously been an important factor, but factors such as competence, quality, delivery reliability and logistics have played a key role in gaining the trust to become such a significant supplier to Statoil.
"Kwintet has dedicated product managers and key personnel who are highly competent in all Statoil’s areas of priority. This is why we have the competence required to operate large and operationally complex agreements such as this." 
Wenaas says it is a pioneer in flame retardant work-wear, and has been instrumental in protecting the workers in the Norwegian sector from the start of the Norwegian oil and gas venture. 

Mr Tendal explains: "Our mission is to protect people at work with all our competence. Because we know that products and solutions could make the difference between life and death, we do not cut corners on our product development. The safety of users is always our highest priority. Therefore, our users will concentrate on doing their work – safely and comfortably."

In conjunction with the product expertise in Wenaas, Statoil and the SINTEF research environment have been developing safety wear for arctic regions where changeable climatic conditions and low temperatures combined with strong winds create a challenging working environment. 
"The first generation of work-wear for these environments is already in place, but efforts to develop new innovative solutions continue," concludes Mr Tendal.
statoil_wenaas announce ppe and workwear contract
statoil_wenaas announce ppe and workwear contract
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Fristads Kansas Group

1 Fleet Place


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