Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Staff at E A Technology Group that regularly travel and visit customers’ electrical substations are only too aware of the potential health and safety risks. Companies may have plenty of procedures and documents that help them manage these environments, but when it comes to it, the people on the ground are the ones that truly manage the risks.
E A Technology Group advises its clients on the merits of understanding the condition of their assets and go to great lengths to communicate the capabilities and features of its instrumentation and services. This involves live inspections on customers’ assets to demonstrate all the “clever things” that can be done to understand the health of the asset and how the information can be used to manage the assets safely, effectively and cost efficiently.
During a customer demonstration, staff use their judgement and an instrument to check that the asset is generally doing what it’s supposed to. Performing background tests for electrical Partial Discharge (EA Technology’s UltraTEV Detector is an ideal instrument), listening for any audible discharge and sensing for the tell-tale gases are fast and effective first-pass safety checks.
Together with other inspection information, this provides all those on site with confidence that risks are known and have been mitigated to practicable level and further work can be conducted.
Capenhurst Technology Park
0151 339 4181