Kelly Rose

Pressure protection

Specialist safety systems integrator Hima-Sella has supplied High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS) for use on five of Oil & Natural Gas Corporation's (ONGC's) unmanned wellhead platforms, as part of the ope

Specialist safety systems integrator Hima-Sella has supplied High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS) for use on five of Oil & Natural Gas Corporation's (ONGC's) unmanned wellhead platforms, as part of the operator's B-193 cluster development off Western India.

Eddy Turnock, Hima-Sella's sales & marketing director, says: "Our HIPPS is a safety instrumented system designed to prevent overpressurisation of downstream plant and equipment, by isolating flows at source or at key points along a pipeline." Each HIPPS is independent of all other safety systems on the platforms - thus providing an isolated, fully autonomous and fail-safe layer of protection - and comprises: three electronic pressure transducers; a dedicated HIQuad programmable electronic system; and HIPPS shutdown valve/actuator assemblies, each with dual solenoid valves.
Pressure protection
Pressure protection
Company Info

Hima-Sella Limited

Carrington Field Street

0161 4294500

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