Radio-Tech has won the award
for best product innovation at the
Innovation & Sustainability
Awards, held at the Energy
Solutions Expo 2010 in London.
The company's ecosense, which
monitors temperature, humidity,
carbRadio-Tech has won the award
for best product innovation at the
Innovation & Sustainability
Awards, held at the Energy
Solutions Expo 2010 in London.
The company's ecosense, which
monitors temperature, humidity,
carbon dioxide levels and energy
usage, was placed top in a category
for products that noticeably
improve the workplace.
Explaining the reasons for their
decision, the judges described
themselves as "particularly
impressed by Radio-Tech as it
seemed such a simple idea, very
useful and easy to use. Those
three factors were crucial; energy
measurement is the starting point
for carbon reduction and making
the workplace more efficient -
Radio-Tech does exactly that and
allows FMs to make decisions
based on the measurements".