Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
WITH THE world struggling to keep on the move at the moment with COVID restrictions, lack of personnel and increased border controls with Brexit, TamperTech’s tamper evident tapes and labels support the air freight sector to keep goods moving.
The tamper-evident solutions are practical to apply for sealing cargo shipments and containers to provide visual, irreversible indications of tampering which can be utilised in combination to deter the introduction of explosives into air cargo shipments, prevent theft and the introduction of contraband objects, allowing goods to travel faster and safer through the congested channels.
The tamper evident label or tape is simply applied to the surface: a carton, a box, a pallet, even an aircraft fuel cap after refuelling, an aircraft door after cleaning and checking or an air-side van doors after loading.
The Oaks
Moor Farm Road West
Airfield Industrial Estate
01335 300335