Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Lone workers are commonly acknowledged to be one of the most vulnerable groups of employees. Whether exposed to danger in the form of abuse, from working with dangerous machinery or simply from working alone, it is the moral and legal obligation of an employer to protect their staff. Stefan Olsberg looks at some ways in which companies can protect their lone workers.
Risk assessments have now become common practice in places of employment, as well as organisations such as schools, gyms and public places. However, once a risk has been identified, it must be addressed to ensure that the correct precautions are put in place.
Create a lone worker policy
If you don’t already have one, you need to create one sooner rather than later. The strategies identified and developed as part of your risk assessment should form the core element. It’s also important to involve your team, and to include practical strategies for tackling the potential hazards faced by lone workers.Practical policy strategies
Making use of technology
Although all of these strategies are helpful, they may not address how to get help if the lone worker encounters a problem. Advances in technology have prompted a rise in the use of monitoring systems and equipment such as panic alarms and trackers. These automated alarm systems have proven to be an efficient solution to many of the problems that lone workers can face, and due to improvements in technology are now more cost effective than ever.
Systems such as VC LoneWorker ( HYPERLINK "" which use GPS technology to track location, enable staff to pre-set alarm expiry times using a mobile phone or a landline. If the worker runs into trouble and is unable to cancel it, an alarm will be automatically triggered and a call sent to an ARC (Alarm Receiving Centre). Depending on any previously agreed instructions, the centre can then either call the emergency services immediately or call the employer first to ask for instructions.10 Fir Tree Lane
0116 232 2622