Kelly Rose

Protection against restart and tampering

THE NEW maintenance safeguarding “key-in-pocket” system from Pilz protects operators from an unauthorised machine restart, allowing maintenance work to be carried out safely.


Digital maintenance safeguarding is based on the access permission system PITreader and guarantees safety and industrial security: only authorised persons can access the plant or machine during the maintenance process – tampering and misuse are excluded.

Extensive plants often have a large number of danger zones, which are protected using safety fences. This places particular demands on safety: for example, it's important that only authorised persons have access for maintenance work. At the same time, it's essential to ensure that nobody is left in the danger zone when the plant restarts. 

With “key in pocket”, Pilz is presenting a digital maintenance safeguarding system, which is flexible in meeting the demands of both safety and industrial security: “key in pocket” ensures that the machine does not restart while maintenance work is being carried out and that unauthorised persons do not gain access. As such, the solution offers safety in the face of a hazardous restart and, at the same time, industrial security, because it's impossible to tamper with the maintenance work.

01536 460766 http://
Protection against restart and tampering
Protection against restart and tampering
Company Info

Pilz Automation Technology

Pilz House
Little Colliers Field
NN18 8TJ

01536 460766

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