Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Since November 2013, when it became mandatory for all places serving food in Wales to publicly display their hygiene ratings, food businesses being awarded the highest rating of five stars has risen from 45% to 60.8%.
Sound hand hygiene procedures can help premises achieve higher hygiene ratings according to Northwood Hygiene Products which supplies a range of dispensing solutions form Leonardo.
Leonardo hand towel dispensers for example can help to create a good first impression. The ease of both monitoring and cleaning saves time in busy kitchens and larger capacities reduce the chances of them being fully depleted at crucial times. The range includes electronic hands free dispensing as well as manually operated options with levers being treated with Bio Kleen for added protection against bacterial transference. All feature single sheet towel presentation to minimise waste.
The Leonardo compact range is available for premises where there's less space.
Northwood Hygiene Products Ltd
Northwood House
Stafford Park 10
01952 236 930