Kelly Rose

Readily replaced sensor

Link Microtek is now stocking the new Nardalert S3 RF radiation monitor from Narda Safety Test Solutions. Featuring a removable sensor module, the S3 unit allows rapid support in the field, simplifies calibration log

Link Microtek is now stocking the new Nardalert S3 RF radiation monitor from Narda Safety Test Solutions. Featuring a removable sensor module, the S3 unit allows rapid support in the field, simplifies calibration logistics and offers a simple means of implementing future upgrades.

The frequency response of the sensor module is shaped to match the requirements of the ICNIRP international standard. Should the monitor detect electric field strengths that approach or exceed the specified exposure limit, it will generate visual, audible and vibration alarms to alert the user. The unit's two alarm thresholds are preset to 50% and 200% of exposure limit but can be altered.

The Nardalert S3 also features a top-mounted colour display, which shows battery status, sensor information and frequency band of any detected fields.

The S3 'Optioned' model provides additional functionality such as storage and display of exposure history and transfer of recorded data via USB.

The model weighs only 230g with sensor attached.
Readily replaced sensor
Readily replaced sensor
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Link Microtek Limited

High Point
Church Street
RG21 7QN

01256 355771

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