Kelly Rose

Resin flooring advice

The resistance of a resin floor to heat is dependant on a number of factors: nature and type of heat source; duration of contact with the floor; and the rate of change of temperature.

The range of resin flooring types available offer varying levels of temperature resistance, typically from -30°C to 120°C making it crucial to get a deeper understanding of the above factors to ensure the correct resin flooring system is selected and installed. Any floor must be designed to meet specific requirements, all of which will differ in line with operating conditions.

The required specification information can be qualified from a site survey and asking the right questions.

1.Nature and type of heat source

The source of the heat and how it is applied to the floor needs to be understood. As an example, an oven may produce heat that is radiated on to the floor and therefore understanding how this is transferred and at what temperatures will be essential when determining what floor solutions can be considered. In certain circumstances a resin floor may not be suitable and therefore we will advise on the optimal solution.

If a liquid is being directly spilled on to the floor then often a much higher heat transfer can occur, increasing the potential risk of damage. Understanding the temperature of these liquids will help us identify what is suitable for these areas.

2.Duration of contact with the floor

It is important to identify how long the heat is in contact with the floor. If the heat source is continually applied to the floor surface a system that can maintain these levels of temperature resistance would be required. However if the heat source is applied infrequently and for short durations, then the range of options is much wider. When maximum temperatures are very high, there are containment / risk reduction methods that can be considered such as bunding and tanking to help reduce heat transfer to the floor surface.

3.Rate of change of temperature
Thermal shock occurs when a floor is subjected to a significant and almost instant temperature change. This shock can destroy the bond of the floor finish to the main substrate. Constant changes in temperature (known as thermal cycling) can cause the resin system to expand and contract at a different rate to the substrate which can result in failure. It is therefore vital to ascertain this information prior to specifying a floor finish.

As you can see, temperature alone is a complex consideration, so it is essential that comprehensive site surveys are undertaken and all key questions asked. This requires training, expertise and experience, which The National Flooring Company has in abundance and will utilise on your project to deliver the optimum solution to your needs.


Company Info

The National Flooring Co. Ltd

Crusader House
High Street

01778 343670

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