Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Big Foot Systems has supplied HD beams, custom steels and custom HD frames as part of a £40 million redevelopment of a shopping centre.
Originally constructed in the late 1960s, the centre required a refurbishment to be able to compete with other local retail complexes, including new HVAC plant.
With retail space at a premium new locations were needed for the chiller plant with the rooftop an obvious choice. Meanwhile, the existing AHUs also needed to be replaced and relocated.
With the new rooftop location for plant posing a few issues, Big Foot Technical worked closely with the contractors to design a suitable solution. Industry-leading software, including 3D CAD and ANSYS FEA, was used to create a solution that would support the chillers and AHUs, provide the required clearance and maintain an imposed UDL of less than 4kN/m2.
“This was a complex project due to the weak roof. Initially it was thought that the plant loads would need to be taken back to the main structural beams but, working with the contractors, Big Foot Technical was able to design a solution that could be supported by the roof whilst being secure, below the UDL and at a lower cost than initial options," Sam Birch, Big Foot Systems, said. “The client is very pleased with the end result and we are delighted to have been able to provide a high quality, cost effective solution.”
HD Custom Frames are project specific, non-penetrative support frames for large, heavy, irregular shaped or unevenly loaded plant. HD Beams are a non-penetrative support solution for chillers, AHUs, packaged plant, generators, pipes and steels.
Apex Way
BN27 3WA
01323 848842