Kelly Rose

RoSPA Gold award

In recognition of continuous improvement and achieving its Zero Harm vision, STANLEY Security, has been presented with the Gold Award from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). STANLEY Security was selected as a Gold Award winner based on its health and safety documentation which proves the company takes note of incidences and then makes improvements to health and safety practices based on them.
The RoSPA Awards are highly-respected in the Health & Safety arena, with 2,000 entrants every year fromorganisations which have proven excellence in the workplace, demonstrating a commitment to the wellbeing of not only employees but all those who interact with it as well.
The judging panel comprised of independent health and safety representatives from NEBOSH (The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health), Manchester and Aston Universities, the Engineering Construction Industry Association, RoSPA, Southern Water, Unite the Union and Sainsburys.
Peter Walker, EHS Manager for STANLEY Security, said, “It is pleasing to know that our hard work and the dedication that we display towards health and safety is taken seriously not just by individuals from within STANLEY Security, but that renowned peers have chosen to shine a light on our efforts as well. STANLEY Security has always made health and safety a key priority within our organisation and in regards to our customers as well.
“Our RoSPA Gold award win is not just cause for celebration for the hard work that we invest in maintaining our health and safety, but also is an active opportunity to prove to our large and small clients alike our expertise and capabilities in the health and safety arena.
“We actively encourage a culture within STANLEY Security so our colleagues know that our health and safety procedures and regulations have been put in place for their benefit.”
Building on its win, STANLEY Security is practicing Hazard Reporting and Near Miss Reporting so that accidents are not only dealt with once they occur but so causes of accidents are identified and eliminated even before accidents occur. The practice comprising of an assessment to identify potential hazards which may be subtle and varied is not just practice in-house but is available for all STANLEY Security customers too.
Company Info

STANLEY Security Solutions Ltd

Stanley House
Bramble Road
Techno Trading Estate

0844 2540032

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