Kelly Rose

Safety protocol software

With the IXXAT Safe portfolio of ready made safety I/O modules and safety protocol software, HMS Industrial Networks is offering TÜV-certified solutions for implementing secure communication into industrial devices.

HSM describes IXXAT Safe as a portfolio of solutions for safe communication according to IEC 61508. The platform includes TÜV-certified safety protocol software for CIP safety and functional safety over EtherCAT (FSoE), as well as certified and ready-to-use PROFIsafe I/O modules for integration into customer devices.

Implementing safety functionality can be complicated, which is why the HMS safety development team offers support to customers during their safety implementation. HMS also offers development of customer specific OEM solutions.

A feature within the IXXAT Safe offering is the ready made IXXAT Safe T100 module – a complete solution for easy and fast integration of safe I/Os using a safe communications protocol. The Safe T100 module is integrated directly into the customer product or system – for example welding systems, drives, counter terminals etc. Due to the architecture of the safety hardware and software, pre-certified by TÜV Rheinland, the use of the IXXAT Safe T100 is said to simplify the development of devices and systems with safe communication. It is also designed to reduce development time, cost and risk.

The IXXAT Safe T100 is designed to work together with HMS’s Anybus CompactCom modules for fieldbus and industrial Ethernet communication. In this solution, CompactCom acts as the pathway through the unsafe network and safe communication is implemented using the 'black channel' principle.

In addition to the first version now released – the IXXAT Safe T100/PS for PROFIsafe on PROFINET – additional variants will soon be available, such as for CIP Safety on EtherNet/IP or FSoE. Special requirements in terms of form factor, connectors, or the number of I/Os, can also be met through specific OEM implementations offered by HMS.

In addition to the ready made Safe T100 module, HMS also offers protocol stacks for FSoE and CIP Safety on EtherNet/IP or SERCOS. Just as for Safe T100, the protocol stacks are also certified by TÜV, enabling easy implementation of safe communication on suitable hardware. By using a pre-certified safety protocol stack, customers are said to benefit from significantly faster development time as well as lower costs and risks.

Integration of the stacks can be carried out by the device manufacturers themselves, but HMS is ready to assist with implementation, porting, and certification services.

Company Info

HMS Industrial Networks Ltd

Stationsgatan 37

+46-35 172900

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