Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Discovery Park has reached agreement with Alert Technology, the company behind a new and potentially life-saving device to open a sales office at the flagship research site in Sandwich, Kent.
The company’s arrival follows significant investment by the Discovery Park Technology Investment Fund (DPTIF), an early stage venture vehicle for promising R&D and technology firms.
This fund is managed by NCL Innovation, on behalf of Kent County Council. It was announced in March that NCL, via the DPTIF, was leading an initial investment of £700,000 alongside a network of private investors.
This together with a European Union funded grant programme of £1.5 (€1.8m) has enabled Alert to bring the technology – developed by a team at Hertfordshire University – to commercial fruition. The university has agreed to assign the IP to Alert.
Alan Archer, CEO of Alert, said: “We are looking forward to being part of the success story at Discovery Park and working with local partners to help with our manufacturing process."
Loribon House
Aspen Way
Yalberton Industrial Estate
01803 540154