According to spill control specialist,
Lubetech, 40% of SMEs
encountering a substantial spill will
fail within 18 months of the incident.
Heavy fines, clean-up costs and
operational downtime, insurance
premium increasAccording to spill control specialist,
Lubetech, 40% of SMEs
encountering a substantial spill will
fail within 18 months of the incident.
Heavy fines, clean-up costs and
operational downtime, insurance
premium increases and damage to
business reputation or word-ofmouth
comment are all harmful -
combined, they can be a crippling
blow for any business.
Lubetech, has created a new
training arm to take a basic
awareness and education message to
industry nationwide with the title
'Basic Skill for Spills'. The Skill
Centre by Lubetech (LSC) is hailed
as a 'must attend' event for business
owners, management, health & safety
or environmental team members
and, importantly, the hands-on