Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
FOR THE third year in a row, STANLEY Security has achieved a RoSPA Gold Award for health and safety practices.
The internationally-renowned RoSPA Awards scheme, which receives entries from organisations around the world, recognises achievement in health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement. Organisations receiving a RoSPA Award are recognised as being world-leaders in health and safety practice and are highly sought after.
Pete Walker, Stanley Security EHS manager, says: “We are honoured to have won the Gold award for our health and safety practices. Our ‘think safe, work safe, go home safer’ campaign is a great initiative to continually improve our health and safety practices and for our peers to look up to as being the flag bearers of health and safety for the workforce - and beyond.
"We consistently document by recording, monitoring and reviewing all internal accidents to study how they can be avoided in the future.”
Julia Small, RoSPA’s head of qualifications, awards and events, says: “The RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-running of its kind in the UK, but it receives entries from organisations around the world, making it one of the most sought-after global accolades in health and safety.
“RoSPA wants every employee, wherever they are, to work safe in the knowledge that they will be going home unharmed and healthy at the end of every day. The RoSPA Award winners are vital to help achieve this goal, as by entering they are driving up standards and setting new benchmarks for organisations everywhere. Currently, around 7 million people are directly impacted by the RoSPA Awards, but the scheme’s influence is even wider.”
For more information about STANLEY Security visit:
STANLEY Security Solutions Ltd
Stanley House
Bramble Road
Techno Trading Estate
0844 2540032