In a bid to counter the summer blues for those working outdoors, Safer Life has put together a package designed to be practical and safety conscious.
It includes designer styled ITEK I/O safety glasses from Pyramex. These have a clear lens with a gold reflective coating causing a colour neutral step-down in tone, whilst reducing glare, and are usable in both outdoor and indoor conditions. The two robust Martor safety knives are: the Combi - for cutting pallet strapping, shrink wrap and opening boxes; and the Profi Light - a spring-back knife, easily washed, with quick and easy blade change, usable by both left and right-handers, and with a lanyard tethering point. A canvas knife holster is suitable for making sure knives are always close to hand but out of harms way, and a Safe Box is a handy place to store used blades.
Lastly, the Tilsatec UltraLite safety gloves are made from a lightweight yarn making these cool to wear, while offering a cut 5 rating - ideal for the summer time.