Kelly Rose

Take control with a professional noise monitoring system

If you are an employee or a manager in an industrial company, you probably already have some experience with noise being an issue. SoundEar’s professional and dependable noise monitoring solutions allow you to come out on top and take control over noise related issues.

Get the full overview

When it comes to dealing with noise complaints from neighbours, or remembering to use hearing protection, or even monitoring a large machine park, it is a good idea to get an overview of the noise at your workplace.

Be prepared

By gaining access to your noise data, you make sure that you are the ones in control and in the know, so that future noise complaints will not come as a surprise to you, and you can be prepared, because you have the full overview of noise conditions at your workplace.

With a SoundEar Noise Monitoring System you get:

  • Visualization of noise: Put on hearing protection, when the red light flashes

  • Access to noise data 24/7 via user friendly software

  • Professional and dependable noise measurement at an affordable price point

  • Wi-Fi and Cloud connections

A Success Story from Audi

At an Audi production site in Germany, they have installed SoundEar devices to help trainees remember to use hearing protection, and it works.

” Our trainees tend to use earmuffs more, when they can ‘see’ the noise”.

Company Info

SoundEar A/S

Transformervej 9B

+45- 39 40 90 02

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