Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
It is now a requirement for employers and service providers to ensure that anyone permitted into a building can be safely evacuated without having to depend on the emergency services. This is particularly relevant to premises where there is a lift.
Darren Franks of Globex Europe, which specialises in fire safety management and manufactures a range of evacuation chairs, points out that there is still a lack of understanding of the legislative requirements.
"Unfortunately many people think they can leave mobility impaired people in a refuge area and wait for the emergency services to get them out, this is one of the biggest misunderstandings of current requirements."
GLOBEX Evacuation Chairs enable one person to safely evacuate another person down stairs, or two people to carry them up from basements and over obstructions. The chairs are simple to deploy and easy to operate, they can also be used for transporting someone to a first aid room or exiting a building if a lift breaks down.
1 Hitch's Yard
Church Street
SG12 0RZ
01920 449023