Kelly Rose

Total Care Programme

There are now more reasons than ever to take out a Total Care Programme(TCP) for maintenance of respiratory equipment according to Breathe Safety.

The TCP provides monthly maintenance of respirators and breathing apparatus primarily for compliance with the COSHH Regulations. This gives complete peace of mind that work is being undertaken to the highest standard by qualified engineers, complete consistency of work, and full records of inspection to back servicing work.



Clients of Breathe Safety who take out a Total Care Programme not only benefit from these advantages , but also free workshop repair work, free back up loan equipment, very competitive rates on new equipment, and preferential rates on other services such as face fit testing and training. The COSHH and PPE Regulations put a responsibility on all companies using respirators or breathing apparatus to have a RPE Programme which covers correct equipment, maintenance, training and face fit testing – all of which are covered by the Total Care Programme.

0844 915
Company Info

Breathe Safety Ltd

17 Whittle Road
Ferndown Industrial Estat
BH21 7RL

0844 9151111

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